Data+Field Integration
Political scientists continually find that field campaigning is the most powerful tool that local campaigns have. However, field operations also cost valuable time, manpower, and funding. That is why all field campaign operations must be based on data-driven strategy. Smart strategy saves you time and money. Talk to, canvas, and market to only the people you need.
We offer a full menu of services to make campaigns and field campaigns more effective and efficient.
Polling and Data Analysis
We offer comprehensive polling and data analysis to better identify where support is, could be, and is not. This knowledge is essential to running an innovative campaign and field campaign.
Smart Marketing and Digital Solutions
We offer smart marketing and digital solutions, including web design, marketing material, field material, and digital marketing solutions designed to reach specific voters based on data.
Data Analytics Solutions and GIS
We provide campaigns with in-depth data analytics, which we use to direct campaign strategy and field operations. We apply this data analytics to maps using GIS software to plan, plot, and organize field and get out the vote operations.
Field Operations
We use all of our other services in conjunction with our client's current field operations to help train volunteers, implement strategies, and orchestrate our smart field campaigns on the ground.